
Ready to Run gun check.

Ready to Run gun check.

Going through my primaries, checking to make sure everything is functioning, and doing some repairs. First stop, a quick to Echigoya to get some gear and parts:

Ready to Run gun check.

First up for repair is my AK-102, which had it's charging handle and dust cover break. New one installed easy, and it was RTR:

Ready to Run gun check.

After that, quick fix for my SCAR16 CQC, which had it's stock locking button break:

Ready to Run gun check.Ready to Run gun check.Ready to Run gun check.Ready to Run gun check.Ready to Run gun check.

Finally, just some setup after that. RECCE got scoped, and tested the SCAR with the grande launcher. Decided to keep it light and short for now, with an AFG, Eotech and low profile front sight:

Ready to Run gun check.Ready to Run gun check.Ready to Run gun check.

Good way to celebrate 50k hits on the blog, and 10k on the Youtube channel!

Posted by Drifter  at 01:28 │Comments(0)
