Later 2013!
2013 was a pretty big year for OP4. We grew a lot and started to work on more team tactics, private games and getting our name out there. Had a great time, and I am pumped for 2014. See you out on the field!

Keymod Rails + NSR
Finally got some keymod rails for my NSR, nnd with that I finally complete my RECCE NSR upgrade.
Also picked up a fix for the TM SOPMOD barrel retention ring issue that was making the NSR go on crooked and loose.
Overall, worth the time and work!
Oh and got this T1 cover also, jury's still out on it, but not bad so far.
Head Shot X Union Base 12/22/13
Last game of the year and it was a good one! Pics courtesy of Union staff. Vids to come soon!

We Are OP4

OP4 is "gun fighter's" team, living with the motto of "Speed, Surprise, and Violence of Action". Our crew consists of American, Canadian, Australian, Filipino, and Japanese players.
We are always looking for new crew members who want to take their game to the next level.
OP4 leads the way, all the way!
OP4는 일본 칸토지방에서 활동하는 사바이발게임 팀입니다. 모이는 사람들은, 미국인, 캐나다인, 호주인, 필리핀인, 일본인입니다. (한국분 아직은 없습니다 ㅜㅜ 어서 연락주세요 ㅜㅜ) 공용어는 영어 하고 일어입니다만 게임하고 있을때 무선이나 목소리는 주로 영어로 합니다.
이기면 즐겁고 지면 재미없다, 그런 Gun Fighters의 팀입니다.
Still fiddling with the fitting, but I'm liking this new Madbull NSR. 13.5" moves the gear, like my light, firther from my hands, and just looks way more badass!

ORGA Jack BCM Carbine Custom!
Gaze upon the glory of THE FIRST Jack BCM from ORGA airsoft. This beauty will be available soon, but crew member Dice was lucky enough to snag the first! Gonna see some action at UB/Headshot game next Sunday!

Check out ORGA's blog for more details: http://orga.militaryblog.jp/c18311.html

Check out ORGA's blog for more details: http://orga.militaryblog.jp/c18311.html
デザートユニオン 12/1/13
Fun day at DU, OP4 played hard as always. Some nice pics from the Union staff!

And some raw vids of the Attack and Defend games that day.

And some raw vids of the Attack and Defend games that day.
Diplomatic Drifter

Hawaii 5-0 is one of my guilty pleasures. It’s not a great show, but it usually has solid amount of shooting and fights. I really like McGarrett’s Noveske Diplomat, so I rummaged around and reconfigured my old TM gun into a similar setup. Used a Magpul ACS stock, UTG rail covers, and short version of the KX3 flashhider. I think I got close enough.