SEALS 3/2/14 Prep
I'm ready for the weekend game, I just hope the weather doesn't stay shitty. Running light, one gun old school style (well 2 if you count the Glock 18C and 2 long mags).
Sleeps been a bit rough this week, had a bad Skyrim relapse thanks to Dice. It was just a taste about a week ago, but I've probably dropped another 20 hours or so back into this game. God Damn You Dice! I was clean for like a year!

Behold my Level 22 Dark Elf Vampire Hunter Assassin. FML.
AKS-47 リペア
One of the crew had a rough first outing with their new AKS-47, but an ordered part and 90 minutes of work later it's all good! Actually enjoyed learning how to disassemble and reassemble one of these TM AKs. Might have to get one myself... Anyways, pics!

Tokyo Sabage Park!
Work stole my chance to try out this new field, but OP4 made it out to represent!

Lucky Strike time.

Good picture of Lucky from the people at SG Fashion Snap. Even got onto Kotaku!

New ad for BF4 expansion is pure amateur hour, and the closet gun nut in me won't stand for it! This photo was obviously made using an airsoft rifle, and the smarmy looking jack-off model isn't even holding it right!

1. That is clearly an AEG motor plate at the bottom of the grip.
2. Finger is in the trigger guard. TRIGGER DISCIPLINE MOTHERFUCKER!!!
3. Pretty sure that is a Hi-Cap mag.
EA should at least spring for a decent GBB for this photo. This is the company that a few years back actually paid money to LaRue and Daniel Defense to get authentic trademarks on their guns. Now I got "Whitey McGenericface" grinning at me with an AEG. LAME!
The Canadian in me will miss the snow to be honest. I think fellow Canuck Sopmod feels the same.

Dice Cam UB x HS 2/16/2014

I pass on my old GoPro Hero2 to Dice, and he cut his first vid. Enjoy!
Union Base X Head Shot 2/16/14
Weather was great, and the Union field had our back when our planned field fell out.

Bull Cam 2!

Another vid from Bull's cam. Some good times from the Head Shot X Union Game from last year.
Bull Cam!

Cut together some of the sweet footage from Bull's cam. Bit of a quick cut, but I think it came out well.
Winter Warfare Vids

Vids incoming! Should be updating through the day/week, so enjoy the footage from my new GoPro!
OP4 Winter Classic 2014!
As has been proven multiple times, OP4 will not be denied it's airsoft time, no matter what the weather!

TMC GoPro 3+ Geared Up!
Fresh from the HK! Black cover and Kryptek hard case. Ready for it's first run this weekend!

Hung out with Wez and got my EBB upper receiver drilled to fit my gas tube properly. Did a good job!
Get to Da Choppa!
Probably be radio silent until the game next week as far as the blog goes. Until then, enjoy this picture of Canadian Forces door gunner behind a 50 Cal.

Avocado Burst Wizard
Finally gonna try and field this damn thing, testing it out on my recently reactivated CQBR.