Hyper's Halloween Pic!
Hyper was walking around Shibuya when he was asked to take a professional photo!
Here is the outcome, looks good to me!!

Here is the outcome, looks good to me!!

Bull SPR
Classic black rifle, with a few modern tricks. Thanks to Bull for the work again, gun served me well at TBF this weekend.
TBF 10/25

Fun times at TBF, a neat little field in Tochigi. Got more pics and vids soon, but here's a nice album courtesy of the TBF staff!
Posted by Turf battle field サバイバルゲームフィールド on Sunday, October 25, 2015
OP Summer Jam 2015

Summers gone, but here's to some good times!
Lucky's Custom M4
This gun has seen more changes than I can even remember. It was once M4 CRW, but both previous and current owners have modified it into one of the slickest guns in the crew.
Lucky's Essentials
A nice bird's eye view of team member Lucky's load out.

A very clean set-up in my opinion!
A very clean set-up in my opinion!
Tokku Pics!
Some nice pics from Badger from the Tokku this weekend. Gallery below!
Due to rain, we had to switch to good old relaible Tokku for some airsoft. 120 people that day, and OP4 was about a 5th of it, lol.
Posted by OP4 on Tuesday, October 13, 2015
AVS HSP setup
My new MODI AVS interfaced with my D3CR and HSP Flatpack. Coms and hydration are linked in, still debating about if I need medical.
Gunfighter Plate Carrier Complete
It took Dice over a year to complete this rig, but it looks like patients has paid off.

Check out below for the full list up:
ATS Aegis Plate Carrier V2

Haley Strategic D3 Chest Rig

Haley Strategic MP2 Magazine pouch X4

Mayflower Swift Clips

London Bridge Trading Inc
Modular Assault Pack

Camelbak USMC hydration bladder

Magpul Core MS3 Sling

Toy Soldier PRC 148 radio

Nexus U94 PTT 6 pin

Pantac PRC 148 pouch

Replica Exfil Bump Helmet

MSA Sordin Supreme Pro

Check out below for the full list up:
ATS Aegis Plate Carrier V2

Haley Strategic D3 Chest Rig
Haley Strategic MP2 Magazine pouch X4
Mayflower Swift Clips
London Bridge Trading Inc
Modular Assault Pack
Camelbak USMC hydration bladder
Magpul Core MS3 Sling
Toy Soldier PRC 148 radio
Nexus U94 PTT 6 pin
Pantac PRC 148 pouch
Replica Exfil Bump Helmet
MSA Sordin Supreme Pro
Tokyo Marui M3 Shorty Custom
Bull takes on another challenge to add some tacticool to his Tokyo Marui M3 Shorty!

Early days, but I'm liking the modularity of this AVS clone. Material seems quality, but only time will tell. Looking forward to putting it through its' paces.