Kryptek Highlander TMC Cap!
Fresh from the HK, TMC Cap in Highlander. Feels a bit flimsy compared to my 5.11 Tactical cap, but fits well enough and the looks solid with my TMC combat shirt.

F2 Plant、超楽しかったです!

10/27に、栃木県の新インドア・フィールド、F2 Plantに遊びに行ってきました!



F2 Plantのホームページはこちらです!
AK-102 Sling Plate
Quick post to show of my new Freedom Art AK sling plate. Easy to install and makes hooking into the AK with a one point sling way smoother. Have to test it out, but feels good so far!

V-of-A Patches!
Spur of the moment team buy, solid patch representing the core philosophy of OP4: Speed, Surprise and Violence of Action.
These are the MSM "Trigger Pull Logo" patches, in a mix of MC and Forest.

Going radio silent for a bit here, probably no new posts from me (Drifter) until next month. Any communiques until then will come from other members. Peace out!
These are the MSM "Trigger Pull Logo" patches, in a mix of MC and Forest.

Going radio silent for a bit here, probably no new posts from me (Drifter) until next month. Any communiques until then will come from other members. Peace out!
Room Warrior!
TMC Kryptek Highlander Gen 3 Top
BCU Public 10/13/13 Pics and Raw Vids
Last bit of stuff from BCU last weekend. Good pic of Dice in his Kryptek Highlander, and a few more raw vids.

タグ :battlecityop4
Battle City Survival Video

Getting strangely hyped for CoD Ghosts. Therefore I made this video using the same Eminem song. I'm not a complicated person.
タグ :battlecityop4
バトルシティー 10/13/13 Poly Tank Game 2
バトルシティー 10/13/13 Poly Tank Game 1
BPRE Cold Harbor Loadout
From the Black Powder Red Earth tumblr:

Cold Harbor Warfighter Package - Exploded View
BCM 12.5” Carbine with B5 Systems SOPMOD Stock, BCM Vertical Grip, BCMGunfighter Grip Mod 3, EOTech EXPS 3-0 and Laser Devices DBAL A2.
Velocity Systems Low Vis Assault Carrier
Velocity Systems Praetorian Armor
Velocity Systems Operator Molle Belt
Haley Strategic Partners D3CR with Mag Pack
ATS Tactical Gear Radio Pouch
Peltor Comtac and PTT
Leatherman MUTT
Mayflower Research & Consulting LLC Blow Out In Full Kit
ESSTAC 2x Pistol Pouch
CRKT Hissatsu Folder
Platatac Headover
Oakley Radar Glasses
Blue Force Gear, Inc. SOC-C Sling
Lone Wolf Distributors Timberwolf Glock 34
Garmin 60CSX GPS

Cold Harbor Warfighter Package - Exploded View
BCM 12.5” Carbine with B5 Systems SOPMOD Stock, BCM Vertical Grip, BCMGunfighter Grip Mod 3, EOTech EXPS 3-0 and Laser Devices DBAL A2.
Velocity Systems Low Vis Assault Carrier
Velocity Systems Praetorian Armor
Velocity Systems Operator Molle Belt
Haley Strategic Partners D3CR with Mag Pack
ATS Tactical Gear Radio Pouch
Peltor Comtac and PTT
Leatherman MUTT
Mayflower Research & Consulting LLC Blow Out In Full Kit
ESSTAC 2x Pistol Pouch
CRKT Hissatsu Folder
Platatac Headover
Oakley Radar Glasses
Blue Force Gear, Inc. SOC-C Sling
Lone Wolf Distributors Timberwolf Glock 34
Garmin 60CSX GPS
Adaptive Kalash: Making Ready (For Airsoft)
バトルシティー Public Game 10/13/13 Loadout Prep
AK-102 (TM)

Decided to go real meat and potatoes on my AK. Might get a black scout light, but overall it's where I want it. Also, decided to post up the music vids we've made so far. Still learning, but I'd like to think I'm improving with each vid. CZR's AGITO vid is still probably one of the best we got, really need to take time out to capture video during game as a camera man.