

Posted by ミリタリーブログ  at 



RRV Old School stylez.


Posted by Drifter  at 12:59Comments(0)


Real Magpul CTR

Thx to Phil for the hook up, finally own a real CTR. Still my favorite stock.


Posted by Drifter  at 02:04Comments(0)


フォレストユニオン「森」+U-BOX (11/23/14)

Good day at Forest Union/U-Box game last Sunday. Team was a bit rag tag, but we still got some good rounds in, and I actually caught a flag! Huzzah! Anyhow, here are some pics from the Union guys, one of the best field staff teams in the biz.

Also, here's a vid of the U-Box connected game. Apologies for the team kills, and also apologies for forgetting to call out. Still would have been a victory for red team, since we killed 2 of their 5 hostages and they got zero of ours.


Posted by Drifter  at 03:35Comments(0)


東京サバゲパーク 2014.11.16

Still sorting through the footage from TSP, but here's some from Sopmod!


Posted by Drifter  at 13:52Comments(0)



Shima just got some LVAO rails in fresh from HK. Here'a a crew members AEG tricked out with a new 16inch LVOA style wire cutter rail from Angry Gun. Slick.


Posted by Drifter  at 00:08Comments(0)


Union Base vids

Going through the back catalog, just dumping vids raw that I think look okay. Here's some from the UB game last month.


Posted by Drifter  at 16:31Comments(0)


Paracord fun!

Too much time + Youtube + extra paracord = lanyard time! Still have a bunch or paracord leftover from the 24hr game, and after trying my hand at it to make single point sling connection for my MP7, I decided to put my new cobra knot skills to good use and make a lanyard for my dummy knife.

Had some long cord left over from MP7 sling point attempt, so I made a long lanyard for...some reason.

And then there were some mini bits left over, so paracord key chain it was!

Used this video, pretty solid:

Think I'll move onto more complex knots next, or team friendship bracelets!  

Posted by Drifter  at 04:16Comments(0)


TSP Photos 11/16

Good times at TSP, thanks to the staff for the photos!


Posted by Drifter  at 08:04Comments(0)



GAME TIME! Fingers crossed, I actually get to play at TSP tomorrow. Probably won't live up to the mental hype, but I just wanna play anyways cuz work was pretty blaaaaahhhh this week.

Posted by Drifter  at 00:47Comments(0)



Getting ready for TSP, making sure all my batts are charged. In other news, here'a another video showcasing our crew patches from OML Patches.

Also, more Vining nonsense.


Posted by Drifter  at 02:04Comments(0)


Emerson QR code stickers SCAR 16S

Emerson QR code stickers. Not sure they'll last, but it scans properly. Strangely, the how sheet scans as SCAR 16 Mod 0. But that's made in China for you!


Posted by Drifter  at 19:48Comments(0)



Call Sign(コールサイン)

Airsoft Career(経歴)
Since 2014




You gonna eat that?

Favorite Field(お気に入りフィールド)
Head Shot  

Posted by Drifter  at 03:58Comments(0)Members - メンバー


OML Patches!

The guys at OML patches were nice enough to throw up a video with the crew. They've made some quality patches for us in the past, and I look forward to more in the future!

Also check out this cool post they made for our team: http://www.omlpatches.com/op4-airsoft/

If you're looking for some custom patches, I totally recommend them!  

Posted by Drifter  at 14:39Comments(0)


MP7 Paracord Sling

Took a few tries, but I made a para-cord sling attachment point for my new MP7. Little rough, but it gives me an easy way to clip in and better handling.


Posted by Drifter  at 01:13Comments(0)




Posted by Drifter  at 15:20Comments(0)


Keymod Rail Covers

Ordered some Keymod rail covers to fit on my Madbull NSR rail. Little tricky to get on, and it increased the rail width more that I expected, but the grip texture is pretty good. See how it runs and if they stay on properly after a few games.  

Posted by Drifter  at 03:56Comments(0)



Some leftover pics from the UB game a couple weeks back, and some footage form Sop!


Posted by Drifter  at 01:15Comments(0)


Emerson Carbon Fiber Helmet

Decided to get a new Ops-Core style bump helmet, since the FMA EXF I have just doesn’t have many accessories available. I went with the new Emerson carbon fiber helmet in DE. Seems like it’s legit carbon fiber construction, although the “Made in China” tag gives me caution, lol. A snug fit after using the EXF style helmet with it’s suspension style interior. Slapped a Kryptek Typhon cover on to match my new BDU’s and I’ll run it next game.


Posted by Drifter  at 14:24Comments(0)



Decided to finally try and paint a gun and wanted to test my skills first, so I used my TM spring Glock 26. Been sitting on this Tamiya paint, and decided to give it a go. Did a quick tape job, and probably about 2 sprays a side, and one down the middle. Not perfect, but it gave me the two tone look I wanted, and a bit of confidence when I try it on one of my pricier guns.

Surprised the "D1" is still showing on the mag. I wrote that on with a red paint marker before I sprayed it.

Posted by Drifter  at 16:46Comments(0)




Posted by Drifter  at 20:41Comments(0)