
Union Base 23rd Public Game Prep.

Getting psyched for the game this weekend, haven't played in forever! Prepping the good old RECCE. Just a slight reconfigure of where I put the light, and added styled it up a bit with skulls and velcro!

Union Base 23rd Public Game Prep.Union Base 23rd Public Game Prep.Union Base 23rd Public Game Prep.

Also, mini skull for my G17!

Union Base 23rd Public Game Prep.

タグ :サバゲー

同じカテゴリー(Fields in Japan - フィールド)の記事画像
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同じカテゴリー(Fields in Japan - フィールド)の記事
 Head Shot 13.12.30 (2013-12-31 09:07)
 F2 Plant、超楽しかったです! (2013-10-28 23:24)
 Field OPS/Tam Tam Hobby Game 4/28/13 (2013-05-01 05:35)
 Forest Union + U-Box April 14th (2013-04-15 11:02)
 Field OPS 3/24/13 (2013-03-25 21:19)
 Field Ops Max 600 (2013-03-11 19:01)

Posted by Drifter  at 17:03 │Comments(0)Fields in Japan - フィールド
