

Posted by ミリタリーブログ  at 


TAC Philippines: 100M Run and Gun

So I had a great time in the Philippines training at TAC. I'm gonna do a more comprehensive post in the future, but until then here is a video of me and Wez running a 100M course shooting in various positions, then reversing it back.

Tactical Applications Consulting  

Posted by Drifter  at 12:32Comments(0)


Emerson helmet DIY Bungee Kit

Back from the Phi, and it was a hell of a trip! (more on that later). Also came back to find some gear had arrived, including this bungee kit for my helmet. I've been looking for something like the War Sport bungee system for helmets, and Emerson pretty much made that, but with slightly thicker bungee. Looks good, and will allow me to attach more crap to my helmet easier.


Posted by Drifter  at 02:29Comments(0)